
Minggu, 12 Juli 2020

Laos, Xiangkhouang Plain of Jars

Learn more about 2,000-years-old sandstone rocks in Xiangkhouang, North East Laos

Categorized as the developed country, tourism sector in Laos gradually develops with million tourists from the whole the world come to see its splendors. One of the historical sites is named Plain of Jars which is considered to be the burial sites. Submitted as the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Plain of Jars is recorded in the history of 2,000-years-pld sandstone rocks. Measuring in various sizes, the common jars are reported to weigh seven tons with the height three meters. The origin of the jars remains unsolved and mysterious.

As the history about the Plain of Jars remains untold, archeologists conducted research in 1930s around the site and they found the burnt bones and teeth inside the jars as well as glass beads. Not far from this tourism spot, the archeologists reported to find the grave bones and goods. Several legends and theories arose among the locals who believed that the jars were designed as the water pots which were used to drink.

Locals also speculated that the jars were made as the place to store the water during the dry season while the rest of people thought that they were used to keep the rice wine in place after military victory. No matter what the jars were used for, they remained unresolved story that becomes the major interest in this tourism spot.

Most visitors who come to visit the Plain of Jars are highly interested with the story behind this tourism sector in Laos. They also explore and do some investigations in some spots where they will find the fact on how oldest the civilization during the million years ago. Capturing the pictures from different angles is also recommended since this site offers beautiful landscape as well.

Located in Xiangkhouang Province, North East Laos, some visitors prefer renting the fully-automatic scooter or semi-automatic bike in Phonsavan for 80,000 LAK per day. Alternatively, you may take the tour agent in Phonsavan. If you are not sure about it, you can go to Thong Hai Hin with the vehicle locally called as jumbo. This trip charges you around US$5 and the driver will wait you as long as you explore this tourism site. To save a sum of money, you can rent the minivan for US$60 if you travel with your group.

Deskription : The Plain of Jars is the tourist resort in Laos where the oldest civilization had existed and remained the story that still in questions

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